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The Joy Of Us (Love in Isolation book 6)
by Kennedy Fox
Design 5/5 I don’t even need to talk about this design… pfff. It’s gorgeous. I’ve talked about the design of this series before and it’s complete and utter beauty and perfection. (See my review of The Fall of Us, because I’m not going to repeat all the praise here - it would all be the Read More

Thanks so much for visiting The Happily Ever After Blog page! This blog is where I share my thoughts on the HEA romance books that I read, and obviously give my thoughts and feedback – hence the whole “book review blog” thing.
I fell into this genre quite by accident, but much like most of the main characters in these HEA books, I fell quick and hard. And after reading almost 300 books in the time span of one year, I had the idea for this blog.
Obvi everyone has different likes and dislikes, but I always keep things positive – so you’ll find me pointing out the positives whenever possible. You won’t find many book reviews here with poor ratings. I’ll rather opt-out and not review a book that I don’t like. Additionally, with my design background, I love to discuss the design aspect of the books. So please enjoy!

recent reviews
Quarterback Sneak
by Kandi Steiner
Design 4.7 / 5 So I gave the previous book a 4.5 design rating and I have to give this one a little bit better rating because the design consistency is really stepping things up - it’s engaging and getting better and better with each book in the series. I remember saying I was somewhat Read More
False Start
by Piper Rayne
Design 4.9 / 5 There’s such a crispness to the design of this new series, and since this book is a prequel and just an all-out tease, so is this cover. Who are we kidding? It’s perfect. It’s a college-based romance book and so the font choice for “False” is exactly that; a college-based font. Read More
Single and Ready to Jingle
by Piper Rayne
Design: 4.7 / 5 A lot of firsts for me with this book: the first time I’ve read a holiday-themed romance book and first time I’ve read a book whose cover is all type and illustration instead of a photograph-based image. I don’t know why but I’ve shied away from the illustration-type covers. No real Read More
The Prince of Hawthorne Prep
by Jennifer Sucevic
Design: 5/5 The cover design of this book soooo echoes the interior pages! The look on the model’s face… he’s supposed to represent Austin and boy does it give us a sinister feeling. But that’s the feeling we get at times in this book. So can we say “spot on”? Seriously! This cover with its Read More
The Fall of Us (Love in Isolation Book 5)
by Kennedy Fox
Design: 5/5 Just like all of the books in the “Love in Isolation” series, the cover is amazing! This series’ covers, hands down, get a 5 out of 5 rating because I love both the simplicity and complexity of them - and this fifth book in the series is no exception. Oakley and Finn make Read More

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